English verbs « Qüestionari Mescles: Welcome to your English verbs Fill the following blanks. L'Alba s'ha trencat el braç. Alba ___________ the arm Please select your answer break breaks broke has broken have broken Ahir en Ramon es va trencar el braç.Yesterday Ramon___________ his arm Please select your answer break breaks broke has broken have broken Ella sempre trenca el gel. She always _________ the ice Please select your answer break breaks broke has broken have broken En Guillem compra un llibre.Guillem _________ a book Please select your answer buy buys bought has bought have bougt En Joan ha comprat un llibreJoan _________ a book Please select your answer buy buys bought has bought have bougt En Joan va comprar un llibreJoan _________ a book Please select your answer buy buys bought has bought have bougt He nedat 3000 metresI _________ 3.000 meters Please select your answer swim swims swam has swum have swum Vaig nedar 3000 metresI _________ 3.000 meters Please select your answer swim swims swam has swum have swum Nedo 3.000 metres cada diaI _________ 3.000 meters every day. Please select your answer swim swims swam has swum have swum Vaig anar a la farmàcia però estava tancada.I _________ to the pharmacy but it was closed. Please select your answer go goes went has gone have gone He anat a la farmàcia però estava tancada.I _________ to the pharmacy but it was closed. Please select your answer go goes went has gone have gone Vaig a la farmàcia cada diaI _________ to the pharmacy every day. Please select your answer go goes went has gone have gone La mestra menja a classe.The teacher _________ in the classroom. Please select your answer eat eats ate has eaten have eaten La mestra ha menjat a classeThe teacher _________ in the classroom. Please select your answer eat eats ate has eaten have eaten La mestra menjava a classeThe teacher _________ in the classroom. Please select your answer eat eats ate has eaten have eaten Hem guanyat el partitWe _________ the match. Please select your answer win wins won has won have won Sempre guanyem els partitsWe always _________ the matches. Please select your answer win wins won has won have won Vam guanyar el partitWe _________ the match. Please select your answer win wins won has won have won Ha llençat la pilotaShe_________ the ball. Please select your answer throw throws threw has thrown have thrown Ella llença la pilotaShe_________ the ball. Please select your answer throw throws threw has thrown have thrown Ella va llençar la pilotaShe_________ the ball. Please select your answer throw throws threw has thrown have thrown He escrit un llibreI_________ a book. Please select your answer write writes wrote has written have written Vaig escriure un llibreI_________ a book. Please select your answer write writes wrote has written have written Escric un llibre pel meu fill.I_________ a book for my son. Please select your answer write writes wrote has written have written Cada dia aprenc moltes coses I_________ a lot of things every day. Please select your answer learn learns learnt has learnt have learnt He après moltes cosesI_________ a lot of things. Please select your answer learn learns learnt has learnt have learnt Vaig aprendre moltes cosesI_________ a lot of things. Please select your answer learn learns learnt has learnt have learnt La Maria parla molt bé l’anglèsMaria_________ a very good English. Please select your answer speak speaks spoke has spoken have spoken La Maria parlava anglès tot el diaMaria_________ English all the day. Please select your answer speak speaks spoke has spoken have spoken La Maria ha parlat en anglès.Maria_________ English. Please select your answer speak speaks spoke has spoken have spoken Time's up Deixa un comentari Cancel·la les respostesComentaIntroduïu el vostre nom o nom d'usuari per comentar Introduïu la vostra adreça electrònica per comentar Introduïu l'URL de la vostra web (opcional)